A dry mouth can cause discomfort and interrupt people when speaking. But this condition can be overcome by chewing gum.
Most people produce about 3 liters of saliva every day. However, certain conditions can make the production decreased thus causing disruption of dry mouth (xerostomia).
Nevertheless chewing gum is believed to be an easy way to help alleviate some forms of dry mouth disorders, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG.
This is because chewing gum can stimulate your mouth for more saliva, so that a certain dry mouth conditions can be overcome. But to get optimal results, choose a gum that contains no sugar, so avoid the occurrence of tooth decay.
Besides chewing gum also help to alleviate bad breath that usually accompanies dry mouth disorders. For that try several types of chewing gum until later to find a suitable brand, because some types of chewing gum can work better in the appeal of other brands.
Alternatively you can do to cope with dry mouth is mengomsumsi plenty of fluids if caused by dehydration, rinsing several times with warm water or mouthwash, avoid caffeine, tobacco and alcohol because it has the effect of dry mouth and if it is caused by the consumption of certain drugs to look for possibilities replace other drugs.
Meanwhile, Dr. Dan Peterson recommends chewing fibrous foods such as carrots and celery between meals can help stimulate saliva flow and production.
Dry mouth sounds like mild symptoms. But someone will realize that this should be handled properly if you know how big the role of saliva in everything ranging from digestion to speak.
The enzyme from saliva can protect your mouth and keep the tongue in order to remain flexible, combat bacteria that can damage teeth and gums, helps the digestive process either when chewing or lowering foods.
If saliva production decreases or slightly increases the risk of gum disease and cavities, makes a person difficult to talk as well as inhibit the ingestion of food.
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